Profile PictureAmmar Alyousfi

YouTube-Trending-Videos Data Sets (2019)

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YouTube-Trending-Videos Data Sets (2019)

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Data about YouTube trending videos in 2019. The data sets contain data about videos that appeared on YouTube trending list in of 2019. The data sets contain details about the trending videos in United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Denmark, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and other countries (total of 17 countries).

For each trending video, the data sets list the video ID, title, number of views, number of likes/dislikes, number of comments, description, tags, publishing date, channel, thumbnail link, and more.

The datasets are provided as CSV files, a CSV file for each country. The data sets combined consist of 1,034,497 records. Each record describes a trending video on a day in 2019. The second image above shows an example record in the data.

For more info and to see an example use of the data, please visit: YouTube Trending Videos Analysis.

Note: The datasets contain trending-videos data as provided by YouTube API using a Python script that you can view on this link.

Notice that, due to the script mentioned above, some video descriptions in the data have an issue: For a number of descriptions, you will find words not separated by a space. For example, you might find "oneTwo" instead of "one Two".

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Data sets describing YouTube trending videos in 2019 for 17 countries.

Number of files
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Size uncompressed
~1.5 GB
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